An ongoing workshop running every quarter

    As an Indian yoga teacher, Angie strives to share the richness of the practices entwined with her culture and to uplift other teachers with whom she shares this heritage.

    You'll learn top tips, what inclusive and accessible yoga really means, how to pronounce key words correctly, how to include the culture more in your teaching and what you need to be a true ally.

"Angie is one of the leading voices for teaching people about respecting India’s roots while bringing yoga to our modern lives. She perfectly and seamlessly blends this teaching with cool and kindness."

Kat, Founder Of Yogi Bare

“The breadth and depth of her knowledge of yoga philosophy and history adds to the experience that goes well beyond a standard studio yoga class. Studying with Angie is a transformative experience."

Stephen, Executive Director & CEO of The Boys' Club of New York